You can also insert WordArt multiple times to wrap text around shapes with straight edges. If you want the text to circle the shape, you can also do this, but it’s a little bit more work. You begin by picking a WordArt style from the WordArt gallery on the Insert tab, and then customize the text as you wish. 441.3KB blue W art, Macintosh operating systems Microsoft Word Computer. WordArt is a quick way to make text stand out with special effects.
If you need very precise control or are creating a complex combination of shapes and text, you’ll want to use a third-party drawing or graphics program to create the text around your shape and then copy and paste it into your Office document. You can use WordArt with a Transform text effect to curve or bend text around a shape. MacBook Pro Microsoft Office for Mac 2011 Microsoft Excel, microsoft, template. Go to Shape Format > Text Effects > Transform and pick the effect you want. If you need very precise control or are creating a complex combination of shapes and text, you’ll want to use a third-party drawing or graphics program to create the text around your shape and then copy and paste it into your Office document. It includes effects such as shadows, outlines, colors, gradients, and 3D effects that can be added to a word or phrase. Precise angle control You can control the angle of your WordArt text in relation to your shape with precision by using the Rotate tool. WordArt is a text modifying feature in Microsoft Word. Group moves and copy To move or copy multiple WordArt objects as a single shape, see Group or ungroup shapes, pictures, or other objects. In this example, WordArt is inserted four times, one for each side of the shape. Select your image in the template and click the Page Layout. Wrap around straight edges To wrap text around a shape that has straight edges, such as a rectangle, insert WordArt objects for each edge. Click the Insert tab in the Ribbon Toolbar to insert your own image, clip art, shapes and more.

Wrap around a circle To create text that completely circles your shape, choose Circle under Follow Path, and then drag any of the sizing handles until your WordArt is the size and shape you want. Note: Depending on your screen size, you might only see the icons for WordArt Styles.